WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY!! – 10:30 am in-person, on our Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!
The theme for this year’s annual meeting of the larger Evangelical Covenant Church is, Faithfully Forward. We will celebrate God’s faithfulness in the past year, and look forward to the future with hope. This meeting, called Gather 2024, is the coming together of hundreds of delegates from Covenant churches and ministries around the globe, and this year, they will gather in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 26-29.
Delegates will approve a budget for the year, welcome new churches into the denomination, consecrate missionaries, ordain pastors, elect leaders, and celebrate the work God is doing in and through us as a denomination.
Before Gather officially starts, our Covenant ministerium (credentialled clergy) will gather for important work of their own. Please be in prayer for both the ministerium annual meeting (June 26) and for Gather (June 27-29). Pray that delegates will have wisdom, be of one accord, and make God-honoring decisions that bring him glory and further the mission. You can see a brief video of our president, Tammy Swanson-Draheim, introducing the meeting here.
Each year, during the Gather, the Covenant livestreams the worship services each evening, June 27, 28, and 29 at 7:00pm (EST). They can be viewed the next day, as well. You can find them and the livestream on the Covenant’s YouTube channel or at https://covchurch.org/gather/.