WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY!! – 10:30 am in-person, on our Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!
How much time do you spend with people from ECC each week? We love worshiping with you, and it’s also been very obvious that people love being here, at ECC, spending time with each other. Whether you come early on Sunday to sit and have coffee in the lobby, stay late after worship to chat with friends while the kids play, or join a Bible study or Life Group in the various spaces in our buildings, there’s often a buzz of conversation, laughter, and a joy in being together.
We seek to be hospitable and gracious to all people, and on August 25 we’ll have a chance to invite others to a unique kind of event where they can experience this touchstone of Welcome. It’s the time of year for our annual Community Picnic!
We’ll have a big tent set up, where you can enjoy a free, delicious lunch as you sit and talk with others. There will be our annual corn hole tournament, balloon animals, face paint, an inflatable bounce house and obstacle course, as well as shaved ice from Gibson’s and a return of the game Nine Square in the Air.
In all of our daily lives, we have contact with multiple circles of people. Some of your circles might include your school community, your sports community, your work colleagues, or your neighborhood acquaintances. There are also people you run into on a regular basis, from trips to the library, the grocery store, the coffee shop, or your favorite restaurant. I would invite you, in the days ahead, to ask God who in your life might be looking for a deeper community. Then, as God nudges you, have a conversation and invite that person who comes to mind. Just let them know you’ll save them a seat under the tent!
If you are able to help serve we are looking for people to help set up, tear down, serve food, greet guests, and supervise the inflatables. We also need people to bring in their corn hole sets so that we’re ready for another epic tournament! You can sign up here.
I think you’ll find that at the Community Picnic, the joy of people being together and having fun will be contagious, creating an environment where people can picture themselves as a part of this community of believers. As you attend this year, keep your eyes open for someone you haven’t yet met, and see if you can make a connection. In doing so, you’ll be a part of strengthening our community here in a way that will continue far beyond the picnic.