WORSHIP WITH US THIS SUNDAY!! – 10:30 am in-person, on our Worship page, or on YouTube. We hope to see you there!

Prayer Requests

an invitation to join us in prayer

If you are in need of prayer, please submit your prayer request below. Prayers marked as private will go only to the staff. If requested, these prayers can also go out as a Prayer email.

Prayers marked as public will be reviewed by the staff and then posted below for our body of believers to pray for. So, please, tell us how we can pray for you and join us as we pray for one another.

Check below to find out about our Pervasive Prayer team!

Pervasive Prayer Team

Pervasive prayer is prayer group who meets every other Thursday in the Prayer Room from 5:30-6:30. We pray for the church family, staff, various activities & missions as well as individual prayer requests. Anyone is welcome to join us or submit prayer requests.  Check the Events page for the next meeting.